Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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lose another doctor

In the department of surgery will be deleted from the doctor on duty at night.
Brusco William writes to the Regional to propose instead a strengthening of certain departments.
For the general manager there is only 18 ULSS Hospital Rovigo.

Another doctor prepares to leave, probably in October, the hospital Trecenta. The surgery department will thus miss the night duty doctor, the service from 20 pm to 8 mattino seguente garantisce la presenza di un medico per le eventuali urgenze. Verrà sostituito da un'assai meno efficiente reperibilità: in pratica, in caso di complicazioni, il medico di turno riceverà una telefonata e partirà per l'ospedale. Ma a risentirne saranno anche il Pronto Soccorso e la Terapia Intensiva, che non potranno contare su un rapido servizio di consulenza chirurgica.
Lo ha reso noto Guglielmo Brusco, vicepresidente dell'amministrazione provinciale, in una conferenza stampa pubblicata dal Resto del Carlino il 18 agosto 2010. Brusco scriverà in proposito all'assessore regionale alla sanità Luca Coletto. Inoltre, partendo dal confronto tra la popolazione servita dal San Luca (85.000 abitanti) e quella servita Hospital of Adria (75,000 inhabitants) highlights the great difference of departments, primary and sleeps between the two hospitals, 208 beds and 230 in Trecenta Adria, Trecenta 5 primary, and 15 in Adria.
Vice-President of the province to the Regional proposes to balance the services provided by hospitals and Trecenta Adria. A pulmonary rehabilitation center, cardiology, neurology and orthopedics, increased intensive care beds, the restoration of the Department of Orthopedic Traumatology, the reactivation of a pediatrics service corresponding to the considerable number of births that occur at the San Luca, strengthening ENT services, endoscopy, ophthalmology and cardiology.

Many of these proposals seek to restore services and departments that were already operating, with good results, three hundred and that the hospital during the operation Marcolongo, have been reduced, eliminated, or restructured, with an expression that appears as a plug caps, "rationalized." It is to shake when it comes to streamlining the San Luca: I've always been cuts, cuts only, with the ax, sickle, the machete or chainsaw, your choice!
short, to the Director-General ULSS 18, there seems to be the only hospital in Rovigo, a candidate to become a well of San Patrizio distorted by ongoing renovations throughout the usefulness of which is da verificare. Ne fa le spese il San Luca a Trecenta, un ospedale piccolo ma razionalmente progettato, in cui è possibile ospitare servizi sanitari utili alla gran parte dei cittadini, per il quale non si trovano quel po' di risorse per sostituire un medico.


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