Saturday, February 28, 2009

Strony Darmowe Do Hostingu

integrated home care: patients restored supplies to families

have been restored, almost all supplies of medical equipment to patients in home care . The problem from the dragging mid-November. Now almost everything has been reinstated, with the exception that some dietary supplements will no longer be distributed as, For example, the Fortimel in packs of 200 ml. (Cost € 3.70).
Apparently it was therefore a lack of economic availability of year-end. But why not say so? In order not to look bad? Of course even then I do not think that the image of the 18 Health Authority has been wonderful. Better would be to admit their difficulties.
The story is so well done but it is worth some consideration.
The problem, a core competence of Conference of Mayors, the Chairman of that did not lift a finger (see nothing, hear no, speak). But you have not heard of any action by municipalities ULSS. No mayor, no city councilor considered to take over the problem. The only voices we heard were those of the provincial health William Brusco, Communist PRC, and those of Julie and Diego Gulmanelli Crivello, the Democratic Party.
If at the end of pulmonary rehabilitation ward of the hospital of St. Luke Trecenta 14 city councils have approved documents ULSS against the decision, this time no one spoke. So many community leaders have made their voices heard, now no statement. Yet the reduction of supplies to patients in Adi was implemented ULSS in stark contrast with the local plan for the home care that all Municipalities have agreed in their recommendations in early 2007.
In short, the situation was resolved without much of local politics if it is busy.

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