Frame Works
1954 Chevy Pickup Up
1939 Chevy Business Coupe
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Alberta's Operators License
19/11/2010 - Thanks Giving Day - Sunday, November 21
" Yes, we would like Italic celebrate" Thanksgiving "and see to keep you free on Sunday for the South 21, which in Lurate Caccivio (CO) will be stuffing the turkey at home ....."
" Yes, we would like Italic celebrate" Thanksgiving "and see to keep you free on Sunday for the South 21, which in Lurate Caccivio (CO) will be stuffing the turkey at home ....."
Brazilian Wax And Explicit
Una cresima in bianco e blu... :)
Realizzare bomboniere, torte e quant'altro per le cerimonie dei maschietti mi mette sempre un po' in difficoltà, ma questa volta mi sono divertita a creare queste roselline blu per decorare i vasetti di zucchero e i confetti.
Ed un piccolo tocco di ghiaccia reale...non può mai mancare :)
Quindi ecco la mia ultima produzione di zucchero - sempre ispirate da Paola Lazzari -.
Qualche foto...
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Message On Wedding Program
Royal Icing - Corso a Milano 31-31 Ottobre 2010 : Due giorni intensi... da ricordare :)
The room is now empty.
echoes still smiles, emotions just lived ... There
sugar everywhere: on chairs, on the ground and also on my glasses, I closed in their custody. Clean all once she got home.
I greeted everyone. There's just me with the tables again to rearrange the chairs ... deviating ...
I who, through the glass door, I'm watching the inner courtyard of the Jacob's Ladder, this magnificent former convent renovated ... so beautiful now, with his shiny cobblestones, wet from the rain that accompanied us all day ...
And the olive tree in the middle of the courtyard ... lonely, which extends its branches to the sky with its silvery leaves that shine in the glow of the courtyard.
Me, I'm going to load into My Turchina my car all blue, parked just outside with the door open, all my equip, packed in cardboard boxes.
I greeted everyone by now: Adriana and federations, "SILOVOGLIO, course organization, wonderful companions and collaborators, who have followed in these two days.
My "students" if they are already all gone. Greetings, hugs, kisses, promises to hearing from you, the exchange of virtual addresses, and not, have been undertaken until recently ....
quickly load all my stuff in the car ... I know that I have forgotten something, as usual ... but it does not matter ... I'll think about tomorrow.
I turn on the machine, I plan the navigator, with the hope that you take me straight home (hope disillusioned almost immediately alas ...) and opening the gate.
I'm driving, the radio music in the background, inside of me will follow all the emotions of the past two days.
Since the morning of the first day, when it arrived before dawn at the main entrance of the former convent, ready to begin this adventure, I'm there ... I play on my telephone ... cell phone in hand with a message to Federica mi scrive "Sono in cucina, quando arrivi suona"...
E infatti io non apre nessuno...non riesco a telefonare a Federica...e mi domando:"E ora che faccio?"
Vedo il calcello che si apre, il viso pulito di Federica che, sulla porta, in fondo al grande giardino antistante la costruzione, mi sorride, mentre si stringe alle spalle lo spolverino di lana, rabbrividendo per freddo.
Mi saluta, e con la sua voce dolce mi dice di entrare dall'ingresso secondario, in modo da scaricare la macchina con più comodità.
Le chiedo subito se è possibile avere un caffé...lei, che sta già we prepare everything, shows me a huge coffee: prepare the coffee and pour it into thermal containers so that it remains hot for several hours.
begin by preparing the locations. The sun is rising: it will be a beautiful day.
nine o'clock in the morning .. here comes the first participants: all greet me, kiss me on the cheek ... I feel their curious eyes ...
I know many people, knowing me only through the virtual universe, I imagine very high ... but I, in fact, they are small in my meter and sixty of "height".
The unrest, which in the morning just woke up, I was gripped, gradually disappears, giving way to emotion of knowing that these girls are coming here, flying from far away, to follow my progress ...
Everything is ready ... we begin.
The road is slick with rain: Continuing to follow the directions that provides me with the female voice of the browser ... I'm at the Fiera Milano ... ... But where
brought me??
The reprogrammed, thinking you made a mistake and he makes me go back - luckily, I think I finally ... I come home ... (Wishful thinking!) - And resume the journey.
Meanwhile, the memories flow through my mind, the emotions I rewind, almost reliving the same again.
After a short introduction we start with the cover plate in sugar paste, the impression of the design that will be made for technical Brush Embroidery and decoration of the edge of the plate with crimpers .
And then: off immediately with the preparation of real ice, that each of us prepare to hand.
I smile when I see girls who struggle with me dovendo mescolare con vigore per oltre dieci effetti è un bello sforzo: io sono abbastanza abituata ma per alcune di loro è la prima volta.
Aggiustiamo la consistenza, verifico che tutte abbiano raggiunto quella che ci serve, coloriamo la ghiaccia e cominciamo.
Mi siedo al tavolo di una delle ragazze e spiego la tecnica. Mostro loro come procedere e subito tutte si mettono al lavoro.
Con molto impegno piano piano il disegno comincia to form.
I am satisfied with the work done. What I wish is that they learn the technique ... then the time and exercise at home will make their work more and more beautiful. But as the first time the results are very good.
greet the girls who participated only in this form, and after a brief pause, resume.
Second module: Broderie Anglaise.
realize the scalloped white plate that will be based on old rose that I have already prepared at home. Impress design and begin the work of carving with the handle of a brush. Prepare the ice is still real, we decide, this time they will realize a bowl in two, at least for those who have already participated in the previous module. The hard work begins to be felt ...
Then I sit down and show how to implement this technique.
The main difficulty to achieve good, is to use a jet from the tiny hole, the No. 0, to outline the cuts made earlier in order to get the spring return lace.
Almost all at the end of the module are able to complete the job ... and that, to me, is already a great achievement.
The day ended and there is room to take some photos before going to dinner.
Meanwhile, the day turned gray, then it started to rain ...
... the same rain that beats now, on the windshield of my car while I'm trying, with the little strength I have left, to return home ....
The sound of windshield wipers seem to give rhythm to the music ...
After entering and leaving the highway at least three times, I decided to park and call my husband that while I try to explain that the browser continues to make me go back and forth aimlessly, continuing to yell into the phone "BUT WHERE ARE YOU ..... WHERE SEIIIII ????!!!!!!" gets angry and even more when I can not answer.
finally get him some relevant information about the direction ... and resume il viaggio...
Ritorno con pensiero alla mattina : è la seconda giornata. Modulo a otto ore: ralizzazione della torta.
Il progetto è molto impegnativo e ambizioso: quasi una sfida. Avverto subito le partecipanti che non avrò molto tempo per rispondere alle domande, se avanzeremo tempo lo farò alla fine del corso.
Ricopriamo di pasta di zucchero la torta di polistirolo, il vassoio, Prepariamo ancora la ghiaccia reale, e cominciamo con alcuni esercizi preparatori the realization of the laces, which surround the top and sides of cake.
After a brief pause, because we are behind schedule, we begin preparation for the decoration of the topper.
Also for reasons of time and set to work even Adriana Federica, which show the patterns of decorations on the walls of the cake with an awl so that we can now go to the Garrett Frill decoration.
learn to make the decoration of the walls of the pie.
I, however, I make a decoration with the ice real plates, attack the flowers. I would not do it, but the tempo stringe.
Quindi passiamo al posizionamento dei laces, con l'aiuto di un pennello, sul top della torta : operazione alquanto delicata.
Mi ero riservata un "asso nella manica" : a casa avevo preparato più di un migliaio di laces, già pronti, nel caso quelli realizzati al corso non bastassero o si fossero rotti.
Con mia grande satisfaction, however, almost all girls attacked those made from them. Very few have asked me my "spare parts".
While we are finishing our project, I see a great satisfaction to enlighten the eyes of my companions in adventure.
The same that I have, when I pass, table by table, to control and enjoy their work.
We're done. The project was completed. All together we made it.
In fact just a girl did not finish the cake decorating because, for travel problems, had to give the course a bit 'before.
All others will take home their completed work.
It 's time to say goodbye. Photos.
not used to photograph me in this way. I already imagine how to ruin my image ... but I can not escape.
Each of the girls wanted a picture with me. I hugged and kissed them all, with that sense of regret that I always accompanies the end of a wonderful experience.
Adriana Also, the mometo to leave me a big hug. Federica there: sta accompagnando le partecipanti che devono andare in aeroporto.
E mentre ripenso a queste due giornate, arrivo finalmente a casa.
Pavia, in questa domenica sera d'autunno, bagnata dalla pioggia, mi accoglie con le sue strade quasi deserte. Le luci gialle dei lampioni illuminano le case e gli alberi che, rispecchiandosi nell'acqua del Naviglio, creano quasi un piccolo mondo riflesso.
Telefono ad Adriana che, preoccupata, voleva sapere quando fossi arrivata a destinazione. Ci sono...con un paio d'ore di ritardo...
Esco dalla macchina e mi fermo sotto the porch with his hands in his pockets.
I have a last reminder: Fiorella.
I had already written here on the blog, saying that would come "from down south" to participate in my class.
see her as we speak: at some point I realized ... his eyes fill with tears ... and it seems impossible that this sentiment is dedicated to ... me.
I too, at the end of the course with "my" Eddie I had moved as far as to cry at the time to say goodbye ....
Fiorella: that time is a precious pearl which I keep in my heart. Thanks.
I go back to my door. Entro in casa accolta dai miei bambini che mi accolgono prendendomi tutto dalle mani. Non capita spesso che non vedano la loro mamma per due giorni: in genere queste piccole attenzioni sono dedicate al papà che è via tutta la settimana. Ma questa sera sono dedicate a me.
Ancora adesso, a distanza di qualche giorno, provo un senso di "pienezza" e soddisfazione: la consapevolezza di aver dato tutta me stessa, di non essermi risparmiata in alcun modo.
Sapevo fin dall'inizio che avrei vissuto una bella esperienza, ma ancora una volta, la realtà ha superato le mie aspettative.
Grazie di cuore: ad Adriana e Federica che mi hanno given the opportunity to live it.
But thanks to all my "students" who have placed their trust in me enough to participate.
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