order: Rodders the Bulletin in 1988 found together with the bitchin NOS sheet metal, gold metal flakes flying type Superior 500; WFL Ludwig Speed \u200b\u200bKing pedal; '10s fire extinguisher to use as a water recovery tank; Guide 682 vintage-C.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Poptropica How To Make Friends
Christmas 2010 - Cookies decorated with royal icing
Merry Christmas to all.
will be a Christmas a bit 'different from others that, to me ... for us.
will be a white Christmas that I fancied, without too many colors.
There will be only the heart. Because in addition to the hands, only with what I made these cookies.
I do not have many words to leave you this time, only a few pictures.
Here they are:
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
How To Use Planeplotter
cookies, candies and miniature wedding cakes ... and a little 'me:)
And here are the cookies decorated with royal icing and a central cameo, still all in ice, and hand-painted to complement confetti and decorated cupcakes that I made previously.
Here they are all lined up:
While you are putting me, now I'm trying to make some cookies decorated for Christmas ... I wonder if I can "produce" something good? For now I am not at all satisfied with the results ...
Recently I was asked to write something about my passion for decoration by Cristina, for Marriage Equity and what better not to speak again of my love for the ice real?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
New Baby Funny Messages
Miniature ... more ...!
More thumbnails ... seems these little cakes are very popular this year. So I ventured there yet.
I do not like to repeat something I've done this before, so I try to vary a bit 'design. Thus, the painted cakes, this time they also decorated the edge of the tray.
to you to judge ...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Bmx Ramps For Sale At A Store For Cheap Prices
Royal Icing Projects
Ispirata al film Show Boat (1951), questa torta ha uno stile classico, sofisticato ed elegante. Pensata per un singolo piano può essere facilmente adattata fino ad includere più piani: i pilastrini di supporto per i piani superiori potrebbero riflettere il disegno laterale della torta e quindi colorati in modo da richiamarne le barrette laterali. Una rosa, posizionata al centro di ogni singolo piano, servirà come elemento d’unione tra la composizione floreale posta al centro del piano più alto e quella del più basso.
- Fruit cake - tipica torta di frutta inglese, cotta in uno stampo a cuore di 25,5 cm (10”);
- 500 gr. gelatina di albicocche;
- 500 gr. zucchero a velo;
- 1,350 gr. Squires Kitchen Marzipan (marzapane);
- 1 kg Squires Kitchen Instant Mix Professional Royal Icing (ghiaccia reale istantanea);
- Squires Kitchen Paste Food Colours: Bulrush, Cyclamen, Holly/Ivy, Rose (coloranti alimentari in pasta);
- Squires Kitchen Sugar Florist Paste (SFP): Cream, Pale Green, Pale Yellow (a special type of sugar paste specifically designed to make the flowers, drying becomes hard, so no more edible);
- White Vegetable Fat (vegetable shortening like Crisco or Trex)
- Squires Kitchen Pastel Dust Professional Food Colours: Soft Green, Soft Yellow (food coloring powder);
- Squires Kitchen Designer Professional Food Dust Colours: Desert Storm, Forest Green, Shady Moss (food coloring powder);
- Squires Kitchen Professional Food Dust Colours: Bulrush, Cyclamen, Edelweiss, Fern, Holly / Ivy, Thrift (food coloring in polvere);
- Squires Kitchen Edible Glue (colla edibile);
- Squires Kitchen Edible Glaze (una speciale vernice edibile utilizzata per lucidare le foglie).
- Pastry brush (pennello da cucina);
- Non-stick board (piano di lavoro non aderente);
- Non-stick rolling pin (mattarello non aderente);
- 35,5 cm (14”) Heart-shaped silver cake drum (vassoio argentato a forma di cuore, thickness 1.5 cm);
- Turntable (Turntable)
- Flat blade palette knife (spatula blade flat);
- Plain royal icing side scraper (spatula rectangular straight blade - to level The real icing on the walls of the pie);
- 45.5 cm (18 ") royal icing straight edge (straight blade to level the ice could fit a real-ham knife long enough-);
- Small, sharp knife (sharp boxcutter)
- Scriber (equip sharp metal used for engraving);
- Design wheeler (equip with a plastic wheel end);
- Wax paper (waxed paper or parchment paper);
- Large silicone paper piping bags (large cones with parchment paper);
- Piping nozzles (jets): No 1, 2, 3, 8, 44;
- Squires Kitchen Paintbrush (sable brushes): No 0;
- Miniature bows (bows);
- Tinkertech Two Diamond Jubilee / Delilah rose cutters: nos. 779-781 (cutter for roses);
- Squires Kitchen Veiners Great Impressions Leaf: Set of 3 Briar Rose, VL 7.5cm Tea Rose (silicone molds to make the veins of petals and leaves);
- Tinkertech Two medium Calyx cutter (cutter for medium cups of roses);
- PME set of 3 veined ivy leaf plunger cutters (cutter Expulsion - with veins - for ivy leaves);
- Bone tools (equip themselves to thin and undulate leaves and flower petals);
- Foam pad (a small pad of thick to thin and shape sponge leaves and flower petals);
- dimpled foam (sponge corrugated useful for dry leaves and flower petals, often used as soundproofing material);
- Small, curved scissors (scissors with rounded tips);
- 18 -, 20 -, 24 -, 26 -, 28-gauge floral wire: green - metal wires covered with green - but available Various colors - specifically designed to fit the flowers made of sugar paste (Sugar Florist Paste - SFP), the numbers are to be referred to the size - thickness;
- Floral tape: beige, Nile green - tape drive for florists pasting shades : Nile green, beige, size: 1.2 meters x 13mm (½ ") wide;
- Satin ribbon: burgundy (burgundy satin ribbon color);
- Double-sided sticky tape (double-sided tape);
1. Brush the cake with warm apricot jelly (boiled). Roll out the marzipan on a work surface dusted with sifted icing sugar, to prevent them from sticking. Cover separately the top and sides of the cake making sure that they are perfectly vertical and forming sharp edges on the corners. Place the cake on the pan and allow to rest for 24 hours so as to be more stable: this will make it easier to cover with real ice.
2. Take about 2 / 3 of the product SK Professional Instant Royal Icing Mix according to instructions and preparing the ice until you reach the real peak firm texture (straight stitch), you should not just add the entire quantity of liquid must at once, but to take them apart a bit 'so you can adjust the consistency if necessary. The remaining quantity (1 / 3 of the total) will be used later to cover the last layer of cake and the decorations with spouts and sac-a-few.
not just open the box of SK Professional Instant Royal Icing Mix well sift the content and transfer it in an airtight container. If you need to prepare only a small amount you can withdraw the desired amount, add water and continue at its own discretion in the preparation of the product beating well (add a little 'product SK Instant Royal Icing Mix Professional if consistency is too soft ).
3. Take a small amount of royal icing and color it in a bowl con SK Rose Professional Paste Food Colour. Capire la giusta gradazione di colore, a volte, può risultare difficile se non si è abituati ad usare colori forti: procedendo nel modo descritto si riuscirà a non abusare di colorante rovinando così l’intero quantitativo di ghiaccia reale preparata. Quando la gradazione di colore sarà quella desiderata si potrà colorare l’intero quantitativo utilizzando la piccola parte preparata in precedenza come guida per il colore.
Consiglio dell’esperto.
Per evitare che la ghiaccia reale si secchi quando non si usa, posizionare sulla ciotola uno strato di pellicola trasparente a contatto of its surface, then cover the entire bowl with a damp cloth. Stir with more energy after the break the ice to bring it to the right consistency (this can be done by hand).
4. Place the cake on a turntable and, using a spatula, cover one of the two walls of the heart with real ice. Using the spatula rectangular (plain side scrapers) and finish the job once the finish is very smooth, remove the excess ice from the top edge with a clean spatula to smooth blade, making sure that the top edge of the tip of the heart form a sharply defined edge without smearing. Ripulire il vassoio dove poggia la torta dai residui di ghiaccia lasciati dalla spatola. Lasciare riposare per alcune ore affinché la prima copertura di ghiaccia si secchi completamente prima di ripetere l’operazione, seguendo lo stesso procedimento, dall’altro lato del cuore. Lasciare riposare ancora per alcune ore e procedere successivamente con la copertura in ghiaccia del top della torta.
5. Con la torta ancora posizionata sul piatto girevole, applicare uno strato di ghiaccia sul top con una spatola. Afferrare la lama (Royal Icing Straigt Edge) alle due estremità, posizionare il filo a contatto della superficie appena ricoperta di ghiaccia e (partendo dal bordo superiore più ndt away) pull us so that, after this, it is perfectly level. Finish the job and remove any excess icing from the top edge with a clean spatula. Allow the cake so covered over night before proceeding with the second layer of coverage.
6. Tradition (English NDT) provides that the actual ice-covered cakes have three layers of coverage to get a perfect finish. Then repeat the operations described in paragraphs 3 and 4 for two times before proceeding to the next step.
7. Prepare the ice real consistency firm peak, using the amount left of SK Professional Instant Royal Icing Mix. Painting with Rose SK Professional Paste Food Colour, using color as a guide for the small amount made earlier and put aside.
8. Cover, as previously done, the walls of the cake with special attention to the corners that will be a "sharp edge". The final cover will be very smooth. Let stand for several hours: the royal icing dry completely and this will allow for a more sharply defined edge for the final cover of the upper surface of the cake.
9. Complete coverage of the top of the cake using the straight blade (as described above in section 5. Ndt) and remove any excess icing from the top with a spatula. Let stand overnight to dry well.
10. When the ice real well is dry cover the bare end of the tray, around the base of the cake with royal icing tinted pink, using a spatula.
The bars used to decorate this cake can be made with any type of edible sugar paste. For this project, however, I used what I called "Royal Paste", a real ice very thick.
1. Take a small amount of ice (about 120 gr.) And those with Bulrush SK Professional Paste Food Colour.
2. Pour the colored ice on a clean, dry and incorporate more sifted icing sugar, using a spatula.
3. Dust the surface of the work surface with icing sugar to prevent the mixture from sticking and roll it out (with a rolling pin NDT) to obtain a thickness of about 5 mm. Using a ruler and a sharp knife cut the fingers will have a width of 5 mm. E 'can use a scroll wheel (Design wheeler) to obtain a more precise work. The length of the fingers should be slightly lower than the total height of the cake, which is determined by the thickness of the ice cover. Lay the strips obtained from a sheet of wax paper (wax paper) - or a sheet of parchment paper ndt - and allow to dry per una notte.
Consiglio dell’esperto.
E’ possibile lasciare asciugare le barrette mentre si attende che la copertura finale in ghiaccia reale della torta si secchi completamente.
4. Misurare la circonferenza della torta e, con un attrezzino per incidere (Scriber), segnare la posizione delle barrette (nella torta in foto ho mantenuto una spaziatura tra una barretta e l’altra di 35 mm). Spremere una linea sottile di ghiaccia reale sulle barrette ben asciutte e attaccarle alla torta. Prestare particolare attenzione nel maneggiarle poiché sono molto fragili e potrebbero break easily.
5. Once positioned and when the ice real attack will be used to dry well, the fingers become very resistant.
also for decorating the top of the cake (smooth barrels - the "sausage" pointed ndt-) I used the "Royal Paste" but if you prefer, can be achieved with any other type of edible sugar paste.
1. In the palm of your hand to form a ball of pasta royal pink, and then extend it so that has the same length of space between the side bars, and pointed ends. With a sharp knife to carve a "step" along its entire length, deep enough to allow us to make it stick to the top of the cake attached with a little 'real ice. Repeat until all the upper edge of the heart is not completed.
2. While the decoration of the board dries with a fairly large cone of silicone paper (parchment paper or heavy duty) and nozzle No. 8, make the decoration to "barrels" of the lower edge of the pie in the spacing between bars chocolate brown. If necessary, use a wet brush to finish the "tail" - the final part ndt - each of these decorations.
3. With another cone of wax paper and spout No Achieve a pair of 44 "C scrolls", as shown in the photo on the stepper. Once again, if necessary, finish with a wet brush the final part of the decoration, so that it is a clean job. The color of these decorations will be the same as that used as the base of the cake.
4. Prepare another cone with parchment paper, place inside the spout No 3 and make a different decoration to "C scrolls" to be positioned just above the previously achieved and in the same color. At this point, will become essential to have at hand a brush No 0 slightly damp cloth to clean and finish the final part of the decorations made. Repeat the above operation by using a jet No 2.
5. With the same cone and nozzle No 2 carry out the decoration lines draped decorations on the upper edge of the cake, shown in the step-by-step photos.
6. Coloring a modest amount of freeze real Cyclamen SK Professional Paste Food Colour and insert it into a cone of wax paper inside the nozzle with no 1. Complete the establishment of the decoration as shown in step-by-step pictures. Help, if necessary, with a slightly damp brush to finish the final part of the decorations.
7. If desired, attach the bows to the decoration of the upper and lower edges of the cake, with a small amount of royal icing - cone No spout, 1 -.
If the package of a large amount of flakes was daunting, keep in mind that you can buy in bags, already prepared, in major shopping malls (the British, but perhaps also in Italy ndt) Make sure that the person the cake will be made aware that before consumers will have to remove all bows placed on it.
The floral arrangements that decorate the top of this cake was created following the instructions for implementing the project "Diamond Jubilee" by Tony Warren, the book Sugar Roses For Cakes from Tombi Peck, Alan Dunn and Tony Warren (Murdoch Books). Even the instructions to perform the ivy leaves are in the same book. Materials and equipment used are listed in the owner's Toni Warren, however, I posted a list of those used to make the roses at the beginning of this article.
If you do not possess a copy of the text in question, the book Sugar Flowers for Beginners by Paddi Clark (B. Dutton Publishing) contains instructions easier to achieve pink.
dyes in powder form that I make good use of are: SK Green and Soft Yellow Soft Pastel Dust Professional Food Colours, SK Desert Storm, Moss Shady Forest Green and Professional Food Dust Designer Colours. To bring out the leaves of the roses I dusted lightly with SK Bulrush Professional Food Dust Colour.
The effect of the variegated ivy leaves was achieved by painting with the dye SK Holly / Ivy Professional Paste Food Colour leaves made with SK Sugar Florist Paste (SFP) in the shade Cream.
1. Attach a burgundy satin ribbon on the edge of the tray using double sided tape.
2. Place the flower arrangement on top of the cake, rather than entering into it: this will allow an easier and safer removal of the first cut (usually to place a floral arrangement in a cake designed especially make use of equipment, which ensure that wires - used to assemble the flowers - and other inedible materials are never in contact with the NDT).
-------------------------------------------- -----------------
Note: in Italy hardly realize a cake, completely covered with royal icing, such as that described in this article, especially because the Our bases (sponge etc), wet and stuffed with soft creams, are not entirely suitable. The important thing here is to understand the technique, but above all, our ability will be to take inspiration from these decorations to apply them to our creations with fancy sweets.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sailboat Basic Diagram
December 2010 - Birth una bella collaborazione con Squires Kitchen :o)
The photo below: Mississippi - Box of Chocolates from Ceri Griffiths DD
This is the project that will translate TAMARA: The Drummer of Karen Taylor:
The photo below: Mississippi - Box of Chocolates from Ceri Griffiths DD
There are words, usually from those people very important to us, you come straight to the heart, there are deposited and remain to settle.
To tell this story, I must return to last summer, when in the month of Luglio, andai con Michela e Kristina in UK per frequentare il corso tenuto dal “mio” Eddie.
Come ho già detto nel post dedicato a quel viaggio ci fu un’occasione in cui Eddie ci chiese di “insegnare” quest’arte, per evitare che scomparisse. “Keep this art ALIVE “ furono le sue parole.
Queste, come dicevo, mi sono rimaste nel cuore… e vi hanno piantato radici sempre più profonde.
Ma cosa avrei potuto fare, io, per aiutare il “mio” Eddie?
Certo, quando posso, realizzo qualche torta decorata anche con la ghiaccia reale e la pubblico on my blog ...
Then, just recently, I was asked to take a course, and even that is a way to spread the passion for this art.
But I wanted something more.
It happens, sometimes, to live what I call "delusions" ... projects that I appear in the mind, almost like sweet dreams ...
So about a month ago, in one of these moments, I begin to ask, but why not to translate the book of "my" Eddie in Italian? I know for a fact that many have bought here in Italy, although written in English, and I also know that many have appreciated though not knowing the language in which it is written. I was, and still are, convinced that his book, translated into Italian, would be even more widespread here in Italy.
And of course I wanted to translate it myself.
First, because Eddie Spence is the person who, together with Yukiko , made me fall in love decorating with royal icing.
Second, because I knew, I was able to figure out which person is beautiful, not only admired for his extraordinary ability when he was holding a cone with the ice real well because ... I find it hard to explain ... but I SO: somehow I can perceive, to see his soul. And what I see ... it's beautiful.
Without thinking too much, then, I wrote, speaking of this project. In fact, I did not write to him, but Tracy, her companion, who answered me saying that Eddie was supposed to go from Squires Kitchen after a few days and he would talk too. At the same time advised me to try writing myself, Squires proposing my idea.
And, taking my courage in both hands ... I did.
I would not even read my email ...
Instead, a few days later, here begins a correspondence between myself and the publishing division of Squires Kitchen, where I say I am very interested in other foreign markets, including Italy.
Speaking of the translation of the book, I explain that already have their own translators who have specialized knowledge on the subject. But he added, to publish the book, Eddie, and then translate it, they must print a thousand copies: this to keep its price reasonable. Proceed to print a thousand copies, makes it almost certain, for their part, to sell more or less in the space of a year ...
But ...
have a proposal for me: You may be interested, to begin to translate the articles published in their journals?
But of course you! : D
know that I love the ice real, but I also offer other items that could translate: projects addressing the "Novelty Cakes" - "Modelling" (cakes decorated with sugar paste which provide for the modeling of characters, dolls, etc..) but also "Sugar Flowers" (Floris Paste Sugar Flowers made - the gum paste -: a particular type of sugar paste that can be rolled very thin and it becomes very hard, a when dry).
articles of cakes and of course the English tradition, totally covered and decorated in royal icing.
From here, the idea to involve more of my two dear friends in this project: Michael and Tamara.
Michael, who loves flowers ... is best suited to follow the articles regarding the sugar paste flowers.
Tamara, who loves the cakes with the characters, has extensive experience in this field ... it is very suitable to deal with the articles on Novelty Cakes / Modelling.
And I, finally, with my passion per la Royal Icing e per il “mio” Eddie... mi occuperò della traduzione degli articoli che riguardano le torte con la ghiaccia.
Inutile dire che le mie dolcissime amiche si sono entusiasmate tanto quanto me a questo progetto…
Siamo un team.
Ho quindi scritto a Squires, proponendo questa idea e come risposta subito mi hanno spedito sei progetti, due a testa, da tradurre.
Questo è il progetto che tradurrà MICHELA : Fiori di Alstroemeria e Nocciolo di Lesley Bassett:
This is the project that will translate TAMARA: The Drummer of Karen Taylor:
The project that I will translate what the picture is starting post: Mississippi-box of chocolates DD Ceri Griffiths.
The same candles that I often read the English translation of the British Sugarcraft Guild ... the same Ceri wrote some time ago, too, on that very forum, that he would do his best to keep this art alive. ..
We're almost ready: by tomorrow everything should be fine. Networking the first three translated articles on our blog, happy and enthusiastic to start this new adventure, awareness, and a bit 'scared, projects that will translate to some great masters of decoration such as:
DD Ceri Griffiths - the ice for real
and Lesley Bassett Paddi Clark - for sugar flowers;
Karen Taylor and Jan Clement-May - for Novelty / Modelling.
E 'adventure, this, that we take all three together purely and simply for the passion that unites us to the art of Sugarcraft. Eager to spread it, with our small means, even here, at certain levels. Aware that
there is none, or almost, "literature" in Italy.
And I do it mostly for "my" Eddie ..
For you Eddie: This is what can I do in my own small way to help. Because your art is really, and I am happy and honored to give my little contribution to spread, at least a bit 'in my country.
Eddie That's for you: this is what I can do, in my little way, to help you to keep alive the art of Royal Icing. Because what you do is REAL ART, and I am so happy and honored to give my contribution to spread it, a bit at least, in my country too.
Eddie That's for you: this is what I can do, in my little way, to help you to keep alive the art of Royal Icing. Because what you do is REAL ART, and I am so happy and honored to give my contribution to spread it, a bit at least, in my country too.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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