Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thank You Quote For Wedding

Sunday, December 28

clik the photo

Sunday franciacorta Open 9-liter 2006, disgorging fish dish Reservations are the reasons see photos click aqui

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tattoo With Bells Palsy?

Do not miss the latest issue of L'Espresso

Espresso latest issue (December 30, 2008), p. 48, we find an interesting article on healthcare in Veneto. The Health Authority 18 is an absolute hero.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Calories In Chapstick

Ignored ULSS the Local plan for home care

cuts to medical equipment available to patients in home care are a breach of planning legislation.

ULSS The tasks of the Local Plan for home care are clear. I invite all interested parties to download the document directly from the site ULSS and verify its contents.

to the home page at this address (just click on it):
Find the link at the bottom right Conference of Mayors and click on it. Scroll down the new page where the section is expected Downloadable documents: the last Local Plan covers the home care. At this point, just click on the title and is downloaded in a pdf file that can be saved or read directly.
are 98 pages. The part that interests us is the 7.1 speeches delivered at home and support the family where we talk about:

7.1.2 ADI - Integrated Home Care on page 50.
The chapter is all to read but on page 54 there is evidence that the Health Authority can not unilaterally reduce his commitments. See just the art. 9:

Section 9 Posts and benefits within Hades and body exercising

Among the entries we find competent Health Authority, for example:
- Withdrawals chemistry (in people dembulanti)
- doctor: - surgical - bedsores - dermatology / oncology
- intravenous rehydration therapy
- Peg
Manager - Educational programs directed at prevention and management of headteachers
- Home visits nurses ADI
- Participation UVMD
- Support non-specialist support

various other things, but especially :

supply and delivery medical equipment, medicines, aids for nutrition where appropriate.

So not only principals but also drugs and medical supplies (che, tra l'altro, dovrebbe essere recapitato a casa mentre, invece, tutti o quasi se lo vanno a prendere al San Luca). Tra il materiale sanitario è da considerare tutto ciò che hanno tolto o ridotto ai pazienti in assistenza domiciliare, a partire dallo scorso mese di novembre .

Il piano è stato approvato dalla Conferenza dei Sindaci e ratificato dai consigli dei comuni dell'Ulss. Si rifletta perciò sul fatto che ora l'Ulss non può, unilateralmente , senza alcuna concertazione coi comuni, stabilire "linee guida" o "protocolli" che siano in aperto contrasto con lo strumento di pianificazione approvato .

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rabbit Hutches For Sale In Central Jersey

Home care, let us not be led by the nose

Ogni riduzione del materiale sanitario è illegittima. Non esiste alcun elenco approvato dall’unità di valutazione multidisplinare. I medici di famiglia sono stati esclusi da ogni decisione.
Una procedura illegittima anche dal punto di vista amministrativo: nessuno ha ricevuto una comunicazione di avvio del procedimento (legge 241/1990).
Resistere, resistere, resistere.

Gli schizzettoni (siringhe da 50 o 100 cc per l’alimentazione via Peg ) scarseggiano, così come altro materiale per la cura di mia moglie, in regime di Adi -Med ( assistenza domiciliare integrata medicalizzata). Queste siringhe, del costo di poche decine cents, are among the materials in short supply and that, by November 2008, is not sufficiently supplied to households caring for their relatives at home. Telephone
nursing care to anticipate my request. Now I am opposite an imaginary list approved by an indefinite 'responsible clinician'. It 's a tale that does not stand for a simple reason: the family doctor, that he who has the most direct responsibility for managing the patient in Adi, it was definitely heard. Even less has been called the unit of multidisciplinary assessment that has among its purposes, the definition of care and needs house.
Therefore, let's not impressed: The statements which speak to us to let us digest this harassment groped, has no validity '.

The Health Authority is implementing the procedures that are flawed from the point of view administrative ( Law No. 241/1990). A government which is the Health Authority must inform in writing, by notice to initiate proceedings, it intended to take any measure against a person directly involved. And this has not happened.

The situation is difficult. Rather than help us help our families, for some 'time now, si cerca di ostacolare, coscientemente o meno, l’attività di assistenza a domicilio.
Dobbiamo resistere! Non dobbiamo accettare questo ultimi provvedimenti. Dobbiamo continuare a informare l’opinione pubblica delle ingiustizie che si stanno compiendo.

Resistere, resistere, resistere.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What Is Cervical Mucus Like When Pregnant?

Home care: the streamlining

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Camila Rodrigues Pic Trans


Saturday, 27 December 2008 Dancing EXTRA EXTRA PADOVA prosecco tasting the coast wine sponsor! reasons!

see photos